A Word from Cardinal Dolan: The Importance of 9/12

| 09/11/2024

By: Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan

It’s 9/11 – all over the country we think of the vicious attacks that happened on this day.

While we reflect on the somber events of 9/11, we also think about how our country, especially New York, came together on 9/12 to rebuild and for that, we are grateful.

Today, Cardinal Dolan reflects on the spiritual body of Christ, the Church, which continues the work that Jesus began when He was here on earth with us.


Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan

In his video today, Cardinal Dolan introduces St. Hildegard, a Benedictine abbess. She was declared a Doctor of the Church by Pope Benedict XVI in 2012.


Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan

The upcoming lineup promises to delight and entertain audiences of all kinds.


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