Cardenal Dolan celebró Misa de Domingo de Ramos en Abraham House | Cardinal Dolan Celebrated Palm Sunday Mass at Abraham House

| 03/25/2024

By: Fernanda Pierorazio

El domingo 24 de marzo el Cardenal Dolan celebró la Misa de Domingo de Ramos en la organización Abraham House en el Bronx para personas y familias que allí buscan superar la pobreza, el encarcelamiento, el abuso de sustancias, la violencia doméstica, la delincuencia juvenil, el ausentismo escolar y otros problemas que causan trastornos en la unidad familiar.

On Sunday, March 24, Cardinal Dolan celebrated Palm Sunday Mass at Abraham House in the Bronx for individuals and families seeking to overcome poverty, incarceration, substance abuse, domestic violence, juvenile delinquency, school absenteeism, and other problems that cause disruption in the family unit.

La familia polaca beatificada fue ejecutada por albergar a judíos durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial.


Armando Machado

The evangelists are handing out rosaries, asking fans if they need prayers, and inviting them to tour Detroit's historic churches as hundreds of thousands of people congregate in downtown Detroit for the 2024 NFL draft.


Our Sunday Visitor

We're still in the Easter season and today we celebrate the "Vine and the Branches" Sunday. It's a beautiful image Jesus uses to teach us that we have to stay close to Him.


Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan