GRWM for Mass with Father Enrique Salvo: Part II – His collection of liturgical vestments | GRWM para Misa con el padre Enrique Salvo: Parte II – Su colección de vestimentas litúrgicas

| 06/20/2024

By: Fernanda Pierorazio

Father Enrique Salvo, rector of St. Patrick’s Cathedral, shows us his collection of chasubles and which ones he uses, depending on the Catholic holiday season.

El padre Enrique Salvo, rector de la Catedral de San Patricio, nos muestra su colección de casullas que posee y cuales usa, dependiendo la época festiva católica.

Fordham University in New York and Georgetown University in Washington have, according to organizers, had very different responses to unionizing efforts by student employees.


Our Sunday Visitor

"Earth's Cry, Humanity's Call: A Symposium on Integral Ecology" will take place October 10-11 in Loudonville, bringing together academics, policy experts and students.


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Today’s readings are a reminder that our lives have different seasons. This applies to our spiritual lives as well.


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