Fr. Muldoon’s Homily: June 15, 2024

| 06/15/2024

By: The Good Newsroom

You can watch Fr. Muldoon’s homily from this morning’s Mass at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral here.

There’s an interesting passage in the Gospel today: “Do not swear any oaths.” Why does the Lord instruct us not to do that?

"We will continue to advocate for policies and practices that offer the best and most accessible care, especially in the most difficult of cases, to both women and preborn children."


The Good Newsroom

The department's activities span poverty relief, advocacy, education, social development, anti-racism efforts, and environmental justice.


Our Sunday Visitor

At St. Joseph’s Parish in Millbrook on Sunday, the community gathered to bid farewell to Sr. Martha Vu, the last Franciscan Missionary of Mary serving at the Archdiocese of New York’s Cardinal Hayes Home for Children.


Mary Shovlain