Conversation with Cardinal Dolan: June 18, 2024

| 06/18/2024

By: Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan

On today’s Conversation with Cardinal Dolan, Cardinal Dolan and Father Dave Dwyer talk about the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, upcoming feasts, recent travel, and American Catholic history.

Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan

His Eminence, Timothy Cardinal Dolan was named Archbishop of New York by Pope Benedict XVI on February 23, 2009.
The Pope lamented the "dramatic situation" taking place in the Holy Land, where the apostles "received the mandate to go out to the world to announce the Gospel."


Our Sunday Visitor

The ruling will in effect allow abortions for women facing health emergencies in Idaho, despite the state's near-total ban on the procedure.


Our Sunday Visitor

Biden and Trump, the 46th and 45th presidents respectively, did not shake hands at the start of their first debate in their second election cycle as rivals.


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