El Cardenal Dolan celebró en Indianápolis una Misa para peregrinos de Nueva York

| 07/18/2024

By: Fernanda Pierorazio

El cardenal Timothy Dolan celebró el 17 de julio en la Catedral de San Pedro y San Pablo en Indianapolis una Misa para los peregrinos de Nueva York que llegaron a la ciudad para formar parte del Congreso Eucarístico Nacional, que se celebra del 17 al 21 de julio.

Se estima la asistencia de alrededor de 50 mil personas, incluyendo líderes de ministerios y de la Iglesia.

As scaffolding has largely been removed from the outside structure, the inside renovation work continues at full speed to finish it on time for the most anticipated church event of the decade in the French capital.


Our Sunday Visitor

Unity, respect for one's culture, interreligious dialogue, and care for the poor and for the environment were the main themes of his talks in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Timor-Leste, and Singapore September 2-13.


Our Sunday Visitor

Let us not take the Cross for granted. Today we celebrate the beautiful feast of the Exaltation to the Cross.


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