Msgr. LaMorte’s Homily: August 23, 2024

| 08/23/2024

By: The Good Newsroom

You can watch Msgr. LaMorte’s homily from this morning’s Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral here.

The Law of Moses includes 613 commandments. In today’s Gospel, Jesus distills them into two simple rules to help us become our best selves.

Among the matrix of human rights that flow from our God-given dignity, the right to life itself is foundational. Without it, all other rights crumble.


Bishop Robert Brennan

Today, Cardinal Dolan reflects on the spiritual body of Christ, the Church, which continues the work that Jesus began when He was here on earth with us.


Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan

In his video today, Cardinal Dolan introduces St. Hildegard, a Benedictine abbess. She was declared a Doctor of the Church by Pope Benedict XVI in 2012.


Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan