September Calendar Highlights: Young Adult Mass, 9/11 Remembrances, Fall Kick-Off for Youth Faith Formation Leaders

| 09/1/2024

By: The Good Newsroom

See our listings below for a sampling of events available throughout the Archdiocese of New York in September

People in New York City embrace September 11, 2021, as they visit the 9/11 Memorial on the 20th anniversary of the September 11 attacks.
People in New York City embrace Sept. 11, 2021, as they visit the 9/11 Memorial on the 20th anniversary of the September 11 attacks. (CNS photo/Amr Alfiky, Reuters)

A large number of events are taking place in September, the month of Our Lady of Sorrows. See our listings below for a sampling of events available throughout the Archdiocese of New York this month.

The Albert V. Maniscalco Community Service Award was presented at Monsignor Farrell High School, where Bishop Whalen was previously a student, teacher, and principal.


Steven Schwankert

Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, who participated last year, is not listed among the participants for 2024.


Our Sunday Visitor

Prayers were offered for greater respect for human life from conception to natural death and for those affected by abortion, including parents and industry workers.


The Good Newsroom

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