St. Joseph’s Seminary Welcomes New Students and Faculty at Mass of the Holy Spirit

| 09/6/2024

By: Patrick Grady

Four new members of faculty professed their faith and sealed their oath of fidelity at the center of this Mass.

The members joining the St. Joseph’s community are: Reverend Miguel Angel Cervantes Pardo, S.T.D.; Fr. Luis Granados, DCJM; Fr. Louis Masi; and Reverend Ignatius Schweitzer, O.P., S.T.L.

On today's Conversation with Cardinal Dolan, Cardinal Dolan and Father Dave Dwyer discuss the Pope’s recent visit to Southeast Asia and Oceania, voting as a Catholic, and September 11th.


Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan

Mary under the Coromoto title has been a traditional devotion in Venezuela.


Armando Machado

María bajo el título de Coromoto ha sido una devoción tradicional en Venezuela.


Armando Machado