Jim Gaffigan Will Be Master of Ceremonies at the Upcoming Al Smith Dinner
By: Rachel Sheehan
The annual dinner brings together civic, economic, and cultural leaders from across the political spectrum in support of organizations helping children in New York

Jim Gaffigan, renowned comedian, actor, writer, and producer, has accepted the invitation to be master of ceremonies for the 79th annual Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner on Thursday, October 17, 2024.
The annual dinner brings together civic, economic, and cultural leaders from across the political spectrum in support of organizations helping children in New York. Mr. Gaffigan and his wife, Jeannie Gaffigan, who is also an actress, producer, and comedy writer, are known for their Catholic faith. Mr. Gaffigan was also the master of ceremonies for the dinner six years ago.
The evening promises nonpartisan camaraderie among a community of generosity, in part due to its namesake, Alfred Emanuel Smith, four-time governor of New York and the first Catholic nominated by a major political party to run for president of the United States.
The dinner is sponsored by the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation, which was founded by Cardinal Francis Spellman in 1946. The foundation brings hope to children in need in the Archdiocese of New York via yearly financial support to nonprofit organizations. The cost of the dinner is underwritten by the board of directors of the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation, and 100% of the proceeds go directly to benefiting the neediest children of New York regardless of race, creed, or color.
At last year’s dinner, the 78th annual Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner, Dr. Henry Kissinger, 56th Secretary of State of the United States, was the keynote speaker. This was one of Dr. Kissinger’s last public appearances before his death in November 2023. The dinner raised a record $7 million for the foundation. A full recap story of the event can be read on The Good Newsroom website here.
CURRENT GRANT RECIPIENTS: Calvary Hospital, Camp Veritas, Catholic Charities, The Center for Discovery, Champions for Quality Education, Covenant House, Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center, Inner-City Scholarship Fund, The National Gianna Center, Neonatal Comfort Care Program at Columbia, Office of Youth Ministry, Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, Sisters of Life.