A Word from Cardinal Dolan: Enthusiasm and Meaning

| 09/20/2024

By: Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan

In his video today, Cardinal Dolan points out the importance of the Pope’s recent Apostolic Journey to Southeast Asia and Oceania.

Dates for the closures and mergers are to be determined in meetings over the next nine months. The process is expected to be concluded by Pentecost in June 2025.


Our Sunday Visitor

Padre Hernán, S.J. comparte la rica historia de 25 años de la celebración y cómo representa el orgullo de sus feligreses provenientes de diferentes partes de México.


Fr. Hernán, S.J.

Father Hernán, S.J. shares the celebration’s rich 25-year history and how it represents the pride of their parishioners from different parts of Mexico.


Fr. Hernán, S.J.