A Word from Cardinal Dolan: World Day of the Poor

| 11/18/2024

By: Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan

In his video this morning, Cardinal Dolan shares the wisdom of St. Augustine on charity.

Yesterday was the World Day of the Poor, which Pope Francis declared to be the Sunday before Christ the King.

Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York joined Cardinal Dolan at St. Patrick’s Cathedral on Sunday to commemorate the World Day of the Poor with a special Mass and food blessing.


Mary Shovlain

| 11/18/2024

Durante todo el año, el Comité Arquidiocesano de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe se reúne mensualmente en la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe en St. Bernard en Manhattan para coordinar los preparativos de la procesión anual del 12 de diciembre que comenzará en la Iglesia desde la calle 14 hasta la Catedral de San Patricio en Midtown.


Fernanda Pierorazio

| 11/18/2024

Launched in 2016, the index is a comprehensive poverty measure inspired by Pope Francis.


Steven Schwankert

| 11/18/2024