Miles de personas asisten a la Misa en celebración de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe en su día | Thousands Attend Mass in Celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe on Her Feast Day

| 12/16/2024

By: Fernanda Pierorazio

El 12 de diciembre se celebró en la Catedral de San Patricio la Misa en honor a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe en su día. Con la asistencia de miles de personas que llegaron como parte de la procesión que salió de la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe en San Bernardo, la Misa en español tuvo como celebrante al cardenal Timothy Dolan, arzobispo de Nueva York, el obispo Francisco Figueroa Cervantes, obispo auxiliar de la Diócesis de Zamora, México, fue el homilista.

On December 12, a Mass in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe was celebrated at St. Patrick’s Cathedral on her feast day. Attended by thousands of people who arrived as part of the procession that departed from Our Lady of Guadalupe Church at St. Bernard, the Spanish Mass was celebrated by Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York, Bishop Francisco Figueroa Cervantes, Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Zamora, Mexico, was the homilist.

The sounds of praise and worship echoed through the Bronx Thursday evening as the New York Regional Encounter opened its three-day conference at St. Nicholas of Tolentine Church.


Mary Shovlain

| 03/28/2025

We are halfway through our Lenten journey, and as we reflect on things we can do to grow in holiness during this time, we turn to one of the pillars of Lent: almsgiving.


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| 03/28/2025

Several times during the course of the liturgical year, we hear today’s Gospel in various forms, but the question posed to Jesus is the same.


The Good Newsroom

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