St. Joseph's Day: Men's Evening of Recollection on March 19 in Port Ewen

| 03/18/2025

By: The Good Newsroom

The evening event will feature Father George La Grutta

Presentation-Sacred Heart Church will host a Men's Evening of Recollection on Wednesday, March 19,.
Presentation-Sacred Heart Church will host a Men's Evening of Recollection on Wednesday, March 19, Photo courtesy of Presentation-Sacred Heart Parish.

PORT EWEN — Following the Women’s Morning of Recollection on March 8 and Lenten Evening of Recollection on March 12, Presentation-Sacred Heart Church looks forward to hosting a Men’s Evening of Recollection on Wednesday, March 19 (St. Joseph’s Day) at 6:30 p.m.

“Our distinguished lineup of retreat masters such as Father Marc Oliver and Father Thomas DeSimone will be followed by Father George La Grutta as we offer local Catholic men and other men searching for God prayerful guidance, inspiration, and contemplation on the evening of the day when we celebrate St. Joseph, the prototypical ‘strong and silent man,'” said Father Arthur Rojas, pastor of Presentation-Sacred Heart Parish at Presentation Church, 209 Hoyt St., Port Ewen, NY.

The program of the Men’s Evening of Recollection will feature Father La Grutta’s opening remarks, followed by time for questions and answers, and then a Holy Hour starting with Solemn Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, with the Sacrament of Confession available, and concluding with Solemn Benediction with the Blessed Sacrament. Donations from attendees would be most appreciated. Boys old enough to understand may come to the event if are accompanied by their fathers or another responsible male adult.

Presentation-Sacred Heart Parish serves the Town of Esopus from Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church at Port Ewen and Sacred Heart Church at Esopus. In addition, the National Shrine of Our Lady of the Hudson is located on the grounds of Presentation Church. The parish plans to celebrate its 150th anniversary in the summer of 2025.

In New York, "we have a very aggressive government that is very, very pro-abortion," Rep. Claudia Tenney, R-N.Y., said at a press conference.


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