A Word from Cardinal Dolan: Feast of the Annunciation
| 03/25/2025
By: Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan
In his video today, Cardinal Dolan explains the Annunciation to Mary, and leads us in prayer with the Angelus.
The high court is scheduled to hear oral argument in Kerr v. Planned Parenthood South Atlantic on April 2, regarding South Carolina's attempt to prevent Planned Parenthood from participating in its Medicaid health program.
Our Sunday Visitor
| 03/29/2025
El Papa de 88 años, dado de alta del hospital Gemelli de Roma el 23 de marzo, está siguiendo las órdenes de los médicos y está enfocado en su recuperación, dijo la oficina de prensa a los periodistas el 28 de marzo.
Our Sunday Visitor
| 03/29/2025
The 88-year-old pope, released from Rome's Gemelli hospital March 23, is following doctors' orders and is focused on his recovery, the press office told reporters March 28.