Human Composting, Alkaline Hydrolysis Not Acceptable for Burial, Say U.S. Bishops

| 03/25/2023

By: Our Sunday Visitor

In a March 23 statement, the committee said it had evaluated human composting and alkaline hydrolysis, and concluded that both “fail to satisfy the Church’s requirements for proper respect for the bodies of the dead”

Una foto de archivo muestra a una persona sosteniendo compost en un jardín.
Una foto de archivo muestra a una persona sosteniendo compost en un jardín. El comité de doctrina de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de EE.UU. emitió una declaración el 23 de marzo de 2023 en la que dijo que dos nuevos métodos para deshacerse de los restos mortales, la hidrólisis alcalina y el compostaje humano, "no satisfacen los requisitos de la Iglesia para el debido respeto a los cuerpos de los difuntos". (Foto de OSV News/cortesía de la Universidad de Dayton)

(OSV News) — Two new alternatives to burial and cremation fail to comply with the Catholic Church’s teaching on respect for the bodies of the dead, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Doctrine said.

In a March 23 statement, the committee said it had evaluated human composting and alkaline hydrolysis, and concluded that both “fail to satisfy the Church’s requirements for proper respect for the bodies of the dead.”

The methods, which rapidly accelerate decomposition, have gained support in recent years as “eco-friendly” forms of treating human remains.

In human composting, the body of the departed is placed in a metal bin with plant material to enable microbes and bacteria, along with heat and oxygen, to break down bones and tissues. The resulting mixture is then offered for lawn or garden use.

Alkaline hydrolysis dissolves the body in some 100 gallons of water and alkali under high temperatures and pressure. Within hours, the body is dissolved, except for some bone material which is then dried and pulverized.

Unlike flame-based cremation, which uses intense heat to reduce human remains to ashes, human composting and alkaline hydrolysis do not “show adequate respect for the human body, nor express hope in the resurrection,” said the bishops in the seven-page document that accompanied their statement.

Burial is “the most fitting way to express faith and hope in the resurrection of the body,” wrote the bishops, quoting the 2016 instruction “Ad resurgendum cum Christo: regarding the burial of the deceased and the conservation of the ashes in the case of cremation” by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. The congregation is now the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith.

According to the 2016 instruction, flame-based cremation is permissible, so long as the ashes are gathered and laid to rest in a sacred place, rather than being stored at home, distributed among loved ones, encased in jewelry, or scattered broadly.

In contrast, both human composting and alkaline hydrolysis leave nothing that could be properly interred, said the U.S. bishops.

Following alkaline hydrolysis, “there are about 100 gallons of liquid into which the greater part of the body has been dissolved, and this liquid has been treated as wastewater,” they wrote. “At the end of the human composting process (there is) … nothing distinguishably left of the body to be laid to rest in a sacred place.”

Currently, six U.S. states — California, Colorado, New York, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington — permit human composting. The Maryland Senate is currently considering similar legislation.

Katrina Spade, founder and CEO of Seattle-based Recompose, the self-described “first human composting company in the world,” said in a 2021 video interview that “you’re not human anymore at the end of this process.”

Alkaline hydrolysis is legal in several states as well, with the Cremation Association of North America having expanded its definition of cremation in 2010 to include the method, which also is known as “water” or “chemical cremation.”

Pope Francis praised the game for its "two nice characteristics: it stimulates the mind and is accessible to all."


Our Sunday Visitor

In today’s reading, we continue to see the mission of Paul and Barnabas. It was difficult for them, but they were still filled with joy and the Holy Spirit because they were doing God’s Will.


The Good Newsroom

Sister Barbara served in the music ministry at St. Nicholas of Tolentine Parish in the Bronx from 1979 to 1984 and at Our Lady Queen of the Angels Parish in New York City from 1989 to 1990.


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