New ‘Gianna’s House’ Opens in Brewster

| 05/19/2023

By: The Good Newsroom

On May 16, the 19th anniversary of the canonization of St. Gianna Beretta Molla, the parishes of St. Lawrence O’Toole and Sacred Heart in Brewster, together with Brewster Cares opened the new pregnancy resource center “Gianna’s House” which offers support and resources for women who are pregnant or have a baby under one year old, including pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, and baby supplies.

The Cardinal's Annual Stewardship Appeal announced they will be focusing on the church at the parish level for this year.


Patrick Grady

| 03/13/2025

The seasonal event will take place at 4 p.m. on the seminary's Dunwoodie campus in Yonkers.


The Good Newsroom

| 03/13/2025

El evento, llevado a cabo los días 8 y 9 de marzo bajo el lema “Abran las puertas de la esperanza”, contó con la asistencia de más de 2.300 mujeres.


Fernanda Pierorazio

| 03/13/2025