Bishop Espaillat: The Original GPS is the Holy Spirit!

| 05/23/2023

By: The Good Newsroom

Bishop Espaillat continues his series on the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit by reflecting on the third gift: Counsel.

When we pray to the Holy Spirit for counsel, he says,we will be guided in the right direction.

Listen to his full reflection here.

The pope recalled the many conflicts occurring around the globe, including in Ukraine, Myanmar, and the Middle East, noting the "many innocent victims" of war.


Our Sunday Visitor

The 59-year-old abbot, who currently lives at the historic St. Georgenberg Abbey in Austria, was elected on September 14 during the Congress of Abbots, which is taking place in Rome.


Our Sunday Visitor

In his video today, Cardinal Dolan explains the difference between candidates and catechumens, who are starting the RCIA process this time of year.


Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan