Hundreds Offer Prayers for ArchCare at NYS Eucharistic Congress

| 10/25/2023

By: The Good Newsroom

Sister Mary Anne Dennehy of Parish Integration led the effort to bring the blessing of Christ’s Eucharistic presence to the entire ArchCare family

Sister Mary Anne Dennehy welcomes visitors to the ArchCare table at the New York State Eucharistic Congress in Auriesville, October 20-22, 2023.
Sister Mary Anne Dennehy welcomes visitors to the ArchCare table at the New York State Eucharistic Congress in Auriesville, October 20-22, 2023. Photo courtesy of ArchCare.

This past week, all ArchCare sites and programs either hosted or were invited to participate in prayer for the intentions of ArchCare in the week leading up to the New York State Eucharistic Congress held in Auriesville, October 20-22. With the support of ArchCare’s leadership team, Sister Mary Anne Dennehy of Parish Integration, led this effort to bring the blessing of Christ’s Eucharistic presence to the entire ArchCare family. Prayers and blessings were extended to all regardless of faith affiliation.

Most importantly, in this time of global crisis, additional prayers were offered for peace, safety, and understanding among the world’s people. The blessings from these events have already borne fruit as coming together to pray and be present to and for each other is a small miracle in itself.

Sister Mary Anne joined Michael Guglielmo, ArchCare’s director of parish integration, and thousands of participants, to bring those prayer intentions to the Congress.

While the Congress has ended, ArchCare asks its community members to hold each other in prayers and thoughts to continue to be blessed by the opportunity to love our neighbor.

He reminds us to not be inflated with pride. Everything we have is because God gave it to us. Our experience with life should be one of gratitude


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