Los actores de ‘The Chosen’ hablan con The Good Newsroom sobre la cuarta temporada’ | ‘The Chosen’ actors talk to The Good Newsroom About Season Four

| 02/6/2024

By: Fernanda Pierorazio

Se estrenó la cuarta temporada de “The Chosen” se estrenó en cines selectos el 1 de febrero. La serie se basa en la vida de Jesús vista a través de los ojos de quienes lo conocieron: sus discípulos. Hablamos con los actores Abe Bueno-Jallad (“Big James”) y Vanessa Benavente (“Madre María”) sobre el éxito de la serie y qué veremos en esta nueva temporada.

The fourth season of “The Chosen” opened in select cinemas on February 1. The series is based on the life of Jesus as seen through the eyes of those who knew him: his disciples. We spoke with actors Abe Bueno-Jallad (“Big James”) and Vanessa Benavente (“Mother Mary”) about the success of the series and what we will see in this new season.

He reminds us to not be inflated with pride. Everything we have is because God gave it to us. Our experience with life should be one of gratitude


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