Major Archbishop Shevchuk: ‘Ukraine Will Prevail!’

| 03/9/2024

By: Mary Shovlain

In an interview with The Good Newsroom, His Beatitude Sviatoslav Shevchuk, head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, encourages Americans to not give up on Ukraine and says, “Ukraine will prevail!”

“Please support simple people of Ukraine,” he added,and he encouraged ongoing support for the charitable work of the Church in Ukraine because, he said, “solidarity saves lives.”

Watch the interview in the video above.

La Misa, costumbre en Colombia, fue celebrada por un sacerdote colombiano visitante.


Armando Machado

The Mass, a custom in Colombia, was celebrated by a visiting Colombian priest.


Armando Machado

El Ministerio Hispano de la Arquidiócesis de Nueva York celebrará el Mes de la Herencia Hispana con una Misa en español en 6 de octubre en la Catedral de San Patricio.


Fernanda Pierorazio