A Message from Bishop Whalen to March for Life Participants

| 01/19/2024

By: Mary Shovlain

Bishop Whalen sends his blessing and words of encouragement to the thousands of people marching for life today in Washington, D.C.

We march together with those who give voice to the gift of human life!

On March 19 at the United Nations in New York, the Holy See and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) convened a panel of legal, mental health, and pastoral experts to address what they call an urgent and growing crisis: the rise of internet pornography and its profound harm to women, children, and society at large.


Mary Shovlain

| 03/25/2025

Manhertz spoke about what it is like to play in the NFL, for the Giants in particular, and his personal journeys of faith and family in reaching the pinnacle of his profession.


The Good Newsroom

| 03/25/2025

"Our primary concern would be changes to the eligibility criteria for students to participate in meal programs, such as raising family income and poverty thresholds," said Gerald J. Wutkowski, Jr., communications director for the Archdiocese of New York's superintendent of schools office.


Our Sunday Visitor

| 03/25/2025