A Word from Cardinal Dolan: Saint Matthias 

| 05/14/2024

By: Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan

Have you ever been in a stage of your life when you weren’t sure how to move forward? The Apostles probably felt that way after the Ascension.

Today we celebrate the feast of Saint Matthias, the man the Apostles chose to be the twelfth Apostle.

He is a reminder that, with the grace of God, the Church goes on.

Corazón Puro, el ministerio católico de extensión para jóvenes y adultos jóvenes con sede en el Bronx, organizará una reunión de formación misionera bilingüe para líderes y voluntarios de ministerios, en particular laicos del ministerio hispano


Armando Machado

Corazon Puro, the Bronx-based Catholic outreach ministry for youth and young adults, will host a bilingual missionary formation gathering for ministry leaders and volunteers, in particular, the Hispanic Ministry laity.


Armando Machado

Opening ceremonies will take place Friday evening in the French capital.


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