Arch Schools Spotlight: Our Lady of Lourdes High School

| 09/27/2024

By: Patrick Grady

The Good Newsroom got a behind-the-scenes look at Our Lady of Lourdes High School, one of the Archdiocese’s top-performing high schools.

As the only Catholic High School in Duchess County, Lourdes has a wide-reaching population of students. Everyone at the school works to ensure that each student has their needs met in a faith based environment.

On this week’s Conversation with Cardinal Dolan, Cardinal Timothy Dolan and Father Dave Dwyer talk about the history of Christ the King, the readings at Mass this past week, the World Day of the Poor, and Thanksgiving.


Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan

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Los laicos podrán y se espera que hagan mayores contribuciones en las funciones y la vida de la Iglesia de cara al futuro.


The Good Newsroom

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The parish is one of the Archdiocese of New York’s most diverse, with parishioners from three continents.


Steven Schwankert

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