Archdiocese of New York Announces New Organizational Structure

| 11/25/2024

By: The Good Newsroom

Archbishop of New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan announced a new model for archdiocesan pastoral offices

In a letter to employees on November 25, 2024, the Archbishop of New York, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, provided an update on pastoral ministry, including a new model for several archdiocesan pastoral offices. The update follows an announcement earlier in November that the archdiocese would do so and offer a new grant process for parish initiatives.

“Sister Mary Grace Walsh, ASCJ, Superintendent of Schools, will continue in that role but now also assumes the role of Secretary for Education and Faith Formation. In this new role, she will work closely with Monsignor Joseph LaMorte, our Vicar General, in overseeing those pastoral offices charged with helping Catholics deepen and grow in their faith,” Cardinal Dolan wrote.

Those offices include:

Adult Discipleship and Marriage Formation
Spiritual formation for Adults, Catechumenate, Marriage Preparation, Natural Family Planning, Bereavement, New York Catholic Bible School Partnerships with other programs, i.e., Formed.

Respect Life
Collaborates with various constituents in the archdiocese to coordinate Respect Life events, curates materials and research related to life issues, supports parish/deanery efforts that currently exist or are newly initiated, and shares information for speakers/events/programs for respect life.

Youth Faith Formation
Supports the religious education programs (PK-Grade12) throughout the archdiocese, responsible for implementing United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and archdiocesan guidelines for religious education and sacramental preparation, ensures that resources used meet the conformity guidelines of the USCCB, leads and supports the five regional coordinators who serve the parishes.

Youth/Young Adult Ministry and University Apostolate
Collaborates with and supports three unique ministries within the Archdiocese of New York, providing a hub where programs, resources, and individuals can interact and network as leaders in service to parish/deanery/college or university communities. Supports Director of University Apostolate and those who serve in campus ministry, etc., in colleges and universities within the archdiocese.

Cultural Diversity
Reporting directly to Monsignor LaMorte, Vicar General, Cultural Diversity supports and collaborates with a wide range of culturally and racially diverse communities in the Archdiocese of New York, assists with organizational aspects, as needed, for special liturgies, processions, and other events, maintains and publishes a calendar of these liturgies and events, and maintains and updates a digital media presence for Cultural Diversity.

Sister Theresa used her education and skills as a teacher, pastoral minister, and congregation leader for 64 years of active ministry.


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