Bishop of Savannah Thanks Cardinal Timothy Dolan for Hurricane Relief Donation

| 01/29/2025

By: The Good Newsroom

The Archdiocese of New York took up a special collection for those adversely affected by storms in the autumn of 2024

Bishop Stephen D. Parkes processes down the center aisle at the end of his installation Mass as the new bishop of Savannah, Georgia, September 23, 2020, at the Cathedral Basilica of St. John in Savannah.
Bishop Stephen D. Parkes processes down the center aisle at the end of his installation Mass as the new bishop of Savannah, Ga., Sept. 23, 2020, at the Cathedral Basilica of St. John in Savannah. (CNS photo/Paul H. Camp via Southern Cross)

The Bishop of Savannah expressed his gratitude to Cardinal Timothy Dolan and the people of the Archdiocese of New York for contributing to relief efforts following a tropical storm and hurricane in North Carolina and Georgia in late September 2024.

The archdiocese took up a special collection to assist those affected in those two states following Tropical Storm Debby and Hurricane Helene. The Diocese of Savannah benefitted from the proceeds of that collection.

In a letter dated January 15, Bishop Stephen D. Parkes thanked the archdiocese for its generosity and support:

“Your Eminence,

“Greetings from the Diocese of Savannah!

“As I reflect upon the past year, one of the great blessings received was the generous gift received to assist with victims from the tropical storm and hurricane that plowed through southern Georgia in the fall. I was very grateful to receive your phone call in October, inquiring about the state of the Diocese of Savannah. Unfortunately, the immense amount of rain from Tropical Storm Debby and the strong winds from Hurricane Helene were unprecedented for our area. The funds that you sent are being used to provide long-term housing needs for residents in rural Georgia. Many homes were destroyed and now uninhabitable due to the destruction. I take this opportunity as the new year dawns to thank you once again for your kindness, for your prayers, and for your charity.

“Please be assured of my prayers for you and those you serve. Thank you for lifting my name to the Almighty that I may be the Bishop that the people of the Diocese of Savannah need and deserve. We will meet in our prayers and rejoice as Pilgrims of Hope this Jubilee Year and always.

“Respectfully yours in Christ,

“+ Most Reverend Stephen D. Parkes
Bishop of Savannah”

El evento, llevado a cabo los días 8 y 9 de marzo bajo el lema “Abran las puertas de la esperanza”, contó con la asistencia de más de 2.300 mujeres.


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"Antisemitism is a grave sin, the work of Satan himself," Cardinal Dolan wrote in The Free Press.


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