Call Jesus's Name, Call It Often

| 01/2/2023

By: Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan

January 2, 2023

In our Catholic custom, the month of January is dedicated to the Holy Name of Jesus. No surprise, since, by Jewish custom, a baby was given a name on the eighth day after birth, which on our calendar, would be January 1.

Actually, Mary and Joseph had no choice, since a much higher power, the Archangel Gabriel, had already informed them that their baby was to be named “Jesus.”

Let’s take a look at the various names we give Jesus. They all are laden with meaning and faith.

Jesus: This name is actually an act of faith, a prayer, for it means “Yahweh Savior!” “Yahweh” was the Hebrew name for God. Get it! God saves us . . . in this man named Jesus.

 Christ: While we usually call our Lord, “Jesus Christ,” which is just fine, we have to be careful that we do not intend “Christ” to be His last name! (a more proper expression would be “Jesus, the Christ.”) “Christ” means “anointed.” In Jewish ritual, one anointed with holy oil the king or the prophet. “The Christ” would be the one “anointed” by God to be the eternal King, the supreme prophet . . . and that is Jesus.   

Savior: Jesus – – remember, His very name means “savior,” – – is sent by His Father to save us from sin, Satan, eternal death, from ourselves, and the evil so strong in the world. St. Paul will tell us that, to confess Jesus as our Savior actually saves us.

Son of David: God had made the promise to King David that, from His house, from his descendants, would come the true and lasting King of Israel. That’s Jesus! No wonder Joseph was of the lineage of King David; no wonder Jesus was born in the City of David, Bethlehem.

 Messiah: the “promised one,” anointed and sent by God.

Lord: the almighty one, who has “dominion” (the Latin word “Dominus” means “Lord”) over all creatures and creation. The faithful people of Israel call the one true God “Lord.” Imagine the shock when the followers of Jesus called Him that!

Lamb of God: When the cousin of Jesus, St. John the Baptist, pointed to Jesus coming toward Him at the Jordan River, he bellowed out, “Behold the Lamb of God.”

“God will provide the lamb,” Abraham promised Isaac, his son. A lamb – -innocent, lovable, valuable (for wool and meat), spotless – – was considered the perfect sacrifice to God. A lamb was consumed at the Passover seder.

Jesus is the ultimate lamb, provided by His father as the perfect sacrifice on the cross.

Take your pick folks, Jesus has a lot of names, and I haven’t even touched on ones like “Good Shepherd,” “Alpha and Omega”, which He gave Himself, terms of devotion we give Him, like “Sacred Heart,” “Christ our King.”

Call Him what you want, just call upon Him often: converse with Him, thank Him, and acclaim Him!

  †Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan

    Archbishop of New York

Cardinal Dolan looks at the ways in which God changes us and the world.


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