Cardinal Dolan Announces Archdiocese’s New Collaboration with Scholas Occurrentes

| 05/30/2023

By: Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan

Cardinal Timothy Dolan announced the Archdiocese’s new collaboration with the Pontifical Foundation ‘Scholas Occurrentes’, a global educational movement founded by Pope Francis in 2013 to promote social integration and cultural exchange.

As Scholas marks its 10th anniversary this year, Cardinal Dolan sent a congratulatory message on May 24 and announced that the Archdiocese will host a Scholas encounter in June at Archbishop Stepinac High School for New York Archdiocesan high school students. The meeting is part of the Scholas Citizenship Program.

He reminds us to not be inflated with pride. Everything we have is because God gave it to us. Our experience with life should be one of gratitude


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Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan