En Route to Our Lady of Lourdes

| 05/3/2023

By: Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan

May 2, 2023

As I write, I am just getting ready to depart for the renowned shrine of Our Lady in Lourdes, in southwest France. I’ll be in the company of 300 pilgrims – – 100 sick, and 200 caregivers – – all arranged by the Knights of Malta, historically celebrated for their solicitude for the sick.

All pilgrims travel to Lourdes for healing — soul, mind, body. It’s a place where everyone is convinced, “I need God,” itself a miracle in a world tempted to conclude we can ignore, deny, forget about, or oppose the Lord.

It’s hardly a spa, since it can be an arduous and sacrificial journey. But rare is he/she who returns without a report of a grace, a real “boost” in one’s interior life.

To the legendary grotto I will bring your intentions!

  †Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan

   Archbishop of New York

Corazón Puro, el ministerio católico de extensión para jóvenes y adultos jóvenes con sede en el Bronx, organizará una reunión de formación misionera bilingüe para líderes y voluntarios de ministerios, en particular laicos del ministerio hispano


Armando Machado

Corazon Puro, the Bronx-based Catholic outreach ministry for youth and young adults, will host a bilingual missionary formation gathering for ministry leaders and volunteers, in particular, the Hispanic Ministry laity.


Armando Machado

Opening ceremonies will take place Friday evening in the French capital.


Our Sunday Visitor

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