Cardinal Dolan’s Homily from the Holy Land: April 15, 2024

| 04/15/2024

By: Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan

As Cardinal Dolan’s visit to the Holy Land with CNEWA continues, you can watch his homily from today’s Mass at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher here.

He reminds us that every time we wake up in the morning and see the sun rising, it’s Easter again.

On today's episode, Father Dave Dwyer and Cardinal Dolan discuss the Easter season and Cardinal Dolan's recent visit to the Holy Land.


Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan

“Estamos llamados a alentar y a crecer en comunidad”, dijo el obispo Joseph Espaillat a los asistentes.


Armando Machado

“We are called to encourage, and we are called to grow in community,” Bishop Joseph Espaillat told attendees.


Armando Machado