El domingo 28 de abril se celebró la Misa de San José Obrero en la Catedral de San Patricio. Organizada por Caridades Católicas NY, la Misa estuvo dedicada a los jornaleros y fue celebrada por monseñor Kevin Sullivan, director ejecutivo de la organización. Asistieron jornaleros de distintas zonas de Nueva York, acompañados de familiares y amigos.
On Sunday, April 28, the Mass of Saint Joseph the Worker was celebrated at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Organized by Catholic Charities NY, the Mass was dedicated to day laborers and was celebrated by Monsignor Kevin Sullivan, executive director of the organization. Day laborers from different areas of New York attended, accompanied by family and friends.
"I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your prayers for my health from the square; I accompany you from here. May God bless you and the Virgin protect you. Thank you."
Our Sunday Visitor
| 03/06/2025
"Agradezco de todo corazón las oraciones que hacen por mi salud desde la Plaza, los acompaño desde acá. Que Dios los bendiga y que la Virgen los cuide. Gracias".
Our Sunday Visitor
| 03/06/2025
His Eminence, Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, Pro-prefect of the Dicastery for Evangelization, conferred the Ministry of Acolyte in the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception at the Pontifical North American College, Vatican City.