
The Catholic Conference represents the bishops of New York state in public policy matters.

By: The Good Newsroom

The law has exceptions for cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother.


Our Sunday Visitor

The ruling will in effect allow abortions for women facing health emergencies in Idaho, despite the state's near-total ban on the procedure.


Our Sunday Visitor

"We will continue to advocate for policies and practices that offer the best and most accessible care, especially in the most difficult of cases, to both women and preborn children."


The Good Newsroom

Clinics provided an estimated 179,700 abortions in California in 2023, a 16.6% increase in abortions since 2020.


Our Sunday Visitor

Amidst about 250 persons Tuesday at the New York State Capitol, the Ulster Deanery Respect Life Committee fielded dozens of participants, mostly from various parishes in Ulster County, including Presentation-Sacred Heart Parish (Port Ewen-Esopus).


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The debate about in vitro fertilization (IVF) came into sharp focus recently when the Alabama Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos qualify as children under the state law.