
Los laicos podrán y se espera que hagan mayores contribuciones en las funciones y la vida de la Iglesia de cara al futuro.

By: The Good Newsroom

| 11/19/2024

Laypeople will be able and expected to make greater contributions in Church functions and life going forward.


The Good Newsroom

| 11/15/2024

The Catholic Church in the United States will commemorate National Vocation Awareness Week, November 3-9.


The Good Newsroom

| 10/30/2024

"En el documento hay ya indicaciones muy concretas que pueden ser una guía para la misión de las Iglesias, en los diversos continentes, en los diferentes contextos", el Papa dijo a los miembros del sínodo a finales del 26 de octubre.


Our Sunday Visitor

| 10/28/2024

"There are already highly concrete indications in the document that can be a guide for the mission of the churches in the different continents and contexts," the pope told synod members late on October 26.


Our Sunday Visitor

| 10/27/2024

The Mass in St. Peter's Basilica on October 21 marked the beginning of the synod's last week of work at the Vatican.


Our Sunday Visitor

| 10/21/2024

Laypeople will be able and expected to make greater contributions in Church functions and life going forward.


The Good Newsroom

| 11/15/2024

The Catholic Church in the United States will commemorate National Vocation Awareness Week, November 3-9.


The Good Newsroom

| 10/30/2024

"En el documento hay ya indicaciones muy concretas que pueden ser una guía para la misión de las Iglesias, en los diversos continentes, en los diferentes contextos", el Papa dijo a los miembros del sínodo a finales del 26 de octubre.


Our Sunday Visitor

| 10/28/2024

"There are already highly concrete indications in the document that can be a guide for the mission of the churches in the different continents and contexts," the pope told synod members late on October 26.


Our Sunday Visitor

| 10/27/2024

The Mass in St. Peter's Basilica on October 21 marked the beginning of the synod's last week of work at the Vatican.


Our Sunday Visitor

| 10/21/2024

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