Conversation with Cardinal Dolan: June 11, 2024

| 06/11/2024

By: Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan

On today’s Conversation with Cardinal Dolan, Cardinal Dolan and Father Dave Dwyer discuss upcoming events during this busy time of year and the persecution of the Church around the world.

Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan

His Eminence, Timothy Cardinal Dolan was named Archbishop of New York by Pope Benedict XVI on February 23, 2009.
He reminds us to not be inflated with pride. Everything we have is because God gave it to us. Our experience with life should be one of gratitude


The Good Newsroom

The Pope visited with some of the most vulnerable members of society, the Catholics who care for them, and with the country's bishops, priests, religious, seminarians, and catechists.


Our Sunday Visitor

In his video today, Cardinal Dolan shares the “first things” suggested by Bishop Hying of Madison, Wisconsin.


Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan