El padre Fredy Patiño nos lleva por un recorrido por el Centro Católico Carismático | Fr. Fredy Patiño Takes Us on a Tour of the Hispanic Catholic Charismatic Center

| 01/14/2025

By: Fernanda Pierorazio

En julio de 2024, el padre Fredy Patiño asumió su nuevo cargo como director del Centro Católico Carismático de la Arquidiócesis de Nueva York. Allí realiza tareas administrativas y sacramentales, incluyendo la coordinación de actividades, reuniones con líderes y colaboradores, y apoyo a eventos, talleres y clases de formación católica. Nos llevó a visitar el centro, fundado en 1978 en el corazón del Bronx.

In July 2024, Father Fredy Patiño assumed his new role as Director of the Hispanic Catholic Charismatic Center of the Archdiocese of New York. There, he performs administrative and sacramental duties, including coordinating activities, meeting with leaders and collaborators, and supporting events, workshops and Catholic formation classes. He took us on a tour of the center, founded in 1978 in the heart of the Bronx.

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More than 2,300 women participated in the event, which took place on March 8 and 9 under the theme "Open the Doors of Hope.”


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"Antisemitism is a grave sin, the work of Satan himself," Cardinal Dolan wrote in The Free Press.


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