Father Ryan Muldoon: Blessed Passover

| 04/18/2024

By: The Good Newsroom

Father Ryan Muldoon, Director of Ecumenical and Interreligious Dialogue for the Archdiocese of New York, speaks to us from Jerusalem to explain Passover, the holiday that our Jewish brothers and sisters will celebrate starting Monday evening.

We wish our Jewish brothers and sisters a very happy and blessed Passover!

"Por el momento, por tanto, no se procede a la convocatoria de un nuevo Sínodo, optándose en su lugar por un proceso de consolidación del camino ya recorrido", el cardenal Mario Grech escribió en una carta.


Our Sunday Visitor

| 03/17/2025

"For now, therefore, a new synod will not be convened; instead, the focus will be on consolidating the path taken so far," Cardinal Mario Grech wrote in a letter.


Our Sunday Visitor

| 03/17/2025

The announcement was publicized on March 17 in Washington by Cardinal Christophe Pierre, apostolic nuncio to the United States.


Our Sunday Visitor

| 03/17/2025