Fr. Andrew King’s Homily: June 7, 2023

| 06/7/2023

By: The Good Newsroom

You can watch Fr. Andrew King’s homily from this morning’s Mass here.

In our first reading, we have references to angels. They are present, intelligent beings who stand before God.

We see their actions throughout the scriptures and history. We can call on them and ask for their intercession. 

Acerca del 25 de octubre, la Misa servirá de fundamento espiritual para el Banquete Anual Pro-Vida del comité, que se celebrará en el restaurante "Novellas" en New Paltz a las 7 p.m.


The Good Newsroom

The Mass will be followed by the UDRLC's annual Respect Life Dinner at 7 p.m. at Novellas restaurant in New Paltz.


The Good Newsroom

Today is the anniversary of Pope St. John Paul II’s installation as Pope.


Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan