Fr. Ryan Muldoon’s Homily: July 8, 2023 

| 07/8/2023

By: The Good Newsroom

You can watch Fr. Ryan Muldoon’s homily from this morning’s Mass here. Fasting has a special place in religion, especially for us as Christians. One way we can revive our faith in the Eucharist is through the Eucharistic fast as we prepare to receive the Lord.

Let’s remember that this July, the month dedicated to the Precious Blood of Jesus.

The sounds of praise and worship echoed through the Bronx Thursday evening as the New York Regional Encounter opened its three-day conference at St. Nicholas of Tolentine Church.


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| 03/28/2025

We are halfway through our Lenten journey, and as we reflect on things we can do to grow in holiness during this time, we turn to one of the pillars of Lent: almsgiving.


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Several times during the course of the liturgical year, we hear today’s Gospel in various forms, but the question posed to Jesus is the same.


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