Fr. Ryan Muldoon’s Homily: May 4, 2024 

| 05/4/2024

By: The Good Newsroom

You can watch Fr. Ryan Muldoon’s homily from this morning’s Mass at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral here.

In this morning’s Gospel, there is this tension for us as Catholics. We’re in this world, but we’re not of this world. We have a homeland that is eternal in Heaven. When we put our hope in the things of this passing world, we are destined for disappointment. Remember, we are called to transform the world around us.

The statue is visiting parishes ahead of the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage.


Armando Machado

La estatua estuvo en la Iglesia de St. Elizabeth todo el jueves, finalizando con misa.


Armando Machado

Students and staff from 18 Central Westchester participated in the Mass at the Monastery Church of the Sacred Heart.


Steven Schwankert