You can watch Fr. Ryan Muldoon’s homily from this morning’s Mass at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral here.
Today we celebrate the Franciscan priests and the feast of Padre Pio. People came from far and wide to seek out his counsel. We would be wise to do the same. In light of our Gospel, let’s ask Padre Pio how we might be good soil.
He knew it was through the Mass that Jesus comes to us.
The sounds of praise and worship echoed through the Bronx Thursday evening as the New York Regional Encounter opened its three-day conference at St. Nicholas of Tolentine Church.
Mary Shovlain
| 03/28/2025
We are halfway through our Lenten journey, and as we reflect on things we can do to grow in holiness during this time, we turn to one of the pillars of Lent: almsgiving.
Mary Shovlain
| 03/28/2025
Several times during the course of the liturgical year, we hear today’s Gospel in various forms, but the question posed to Jesus is the same.