Hundreds Gather at St. Patrick’s Cathedral to View the Eclipse

| 04/9/2024

By: Mary Shovlain

Hundreds gathered on the steps of St. Patrick’s Cathedral on Monday to view the historic solar eclipse.

We spoke to many of the people there including a lot of New Yorkers but also some from Holland, Ireland, Mexico and the Philippines. Some just happened to be passing by when the eclipse started, others planned their trips here to be part of history.

Obispo Edmund Whalen celebró misa en el evento del Movimiento Matrimonial Católico.


Armando Machado

On today's Conversation with Cardinal Dolan, Cardinal Dolan and Father Dave Dwyer talk about the upcoming feast day of the Ascension.


Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan

Bishop Edmund Whalen celebrated Mass at the Catholic Marriage Movement event.


Armando Machado