Josh Rosa on Evangelizing the Digital Continent

| 07/24/2024

By: Mary Shovlain

When Pope St. John Paul II called for a “New Evangelization” in 1983, the internet, cell phones,and social media didn’t exist yet in people’s everyday lives like they do today.

The pope was looking towards the New Millennium and encouraging the Church, not to re-evangelize, but to spread the Gospel with new zeal, methods, and expression.

At the National Eucharistic Congress on Saturday, Josh Rosa spoke about answering the pope’s call in his talk “Socially Unsocial: Sharing the Eucharist through St. John Paul II’s Call for Digital Evangelization.”

Josh is the Director of Evangelization at St. Augustine -Our Lady of Victory in the Bronx. He told us what inspired him to become a digital evangelizer.

In this Year of Mission of the National Eucharistic Revival, think about how you may be able to use technology to help spread the Gospel.

He reminds us to not be inflated with pride. Everything we have is because God gave it to us. Our experience with life should be one of gratitude


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