La fe de los artistas: Adamari López | The Faith of Artists: Adamari López

| 06/7/2024

By: Fernanda Pierorazio

En nuestra nueva serie “La fe de los artistas”, celebridades hablan de su fe y amor a Dios. Hoy, la actriz y presentadora de televisión puertorriqueña Adamari López, quien ha pasado por varios altibajos en su vida personal y profesional, habla de la importancia de Dios en su vida y de asistir los domingos a Misa.

In our new series “The Faith of Artists,” celebrities talk about their faith and love for God. Today, Puerto Rican actress and TV host Adamari López, who has gone through several ups and downs in her personal and professional life, talks about the importance of God in her life and attending Mass on Sundays.

In his video today for the Feast of Saints Joachim and Anne, Cardinal Dolan reflects of the importance of our grandparents.


Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan

The Catholic Conference represents the bishops of New York state in public policy matters.


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The tradition of devotion to Santiago is especially strong among the people from the Oaxaca region of Mexico.


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