Labor Day and a Prayer for Children Leaving Home

| 08/28/2024

By: Monsignor Joseph P. LaMorte

The first Labor Day celebration took place in 1882 in New York City

Grace to you and peace as we give thanks to God for a beautiful and productive summer.

Labor Day is a holiday to honor the sacrifice and courage of workers and to acknowledge the right and duty of working people to organize unions and to stand in solidarity. The first Labor Day celebration took place in 1882 in New York City. In 1894, it became a national holiday.

I wish you a restful, last, long weekend of summer. The weather promises to be encouraging. Remember to fly your flag proudly and set aside some time for God our Creator who guides us as we work for the common good.

Around mid-August each year we generally say goodbye to our college agers who go off to schools across the country. Several years ago, I found a beautiful prayer, written by Diana Macalintal. Clip it out and say this each day for your teens. They will be comforted knowing that you pray for them.


“Gracious God, you blessed me with the gift of my child and entrusted me with his care. Surround her with good people and watch over her each day. And let him know that I will always be near whenever he needs me. Heal any hurts we may harbor with each other and forgive our failings as we learn to be in a new kind of relationship with each other. And when the sight of her empty room pierces my heart with sadness, may I find comfort in knowing that my child is your child, too, filled with your grace and sheltered by your love. AMEN.”

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