Lenten Praise and Worship Event Continues in the Bronx
By: Armando Machado
Perpetual Adoration is occurring at Holy Cross parish

The Perpetual Adoration gathering at Holy Cross parish in the Bronx continues running after having started the evening of Ash Wednesday, Feb. 22. The event, now on Day 15 (March 8) is a special, ongoing Lenten gathering; it had been tentatively set to end March 4.
The event is titled “Jesus in Zion: From Asbury (University) to the Bronx,” inspired by a recent spiritual gathering at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky (The university is Christian non-denominational).
The praise and worship event is being conducted in English and Spanish and has featured live music. It has included Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, praying of the Rosary, confessions, fellowship, the Stations of the Cross, Mass celebrations, healing services, and lots of music. Hundreds of people have attended each night when there are inspirational speakers and live musical performances.
The event is coupled with regularly scheduled Mass celebrations. It is led by Father Vincent Druding, parochial vicar at Holy Cross. Auxiliary Bishop Joseph A. Espaillat and Fr. Druding led off the gathering the first night by giving talks that focused largely on the importance of conversion. Auxiliary Bishop Peter Byrne celebrated Mass on the second evening.
Clara L. Rivas, a parishioner of Holy Cross, has been among the participants.
“Every day. I’ve gone there every day since it began,” Mrs. Rivas told The Good Newsroom on Monday, March 6. “I’ve gone there to pray, to sing, and to help in any way I can. I’m a volunteer at the parish…I go there around 7 or 8 in the evening and stay there overnight, singing, praying, and participating in Adoration.”
“It is the best experience that I have had in all my 43 years of life. It is wonderful. Bishop Espaillat and Fr. Vincent prayed for me, and Fr. Ignatius (Schweitzer) prayed for me also.” She said the event has helped her and many other participants with healing, with coping with dire personal struggles. “Yes, I received healing for me, for my heart,” she noted. “It has given me peace in my life,” Mrs. Rivas added.
The gathering is being livestreamed via the Holy Cross parish YouTube channel: Catholic Soundview. In addition to Bishop Espaillat and Fr. Druding, speakers at the gathering have included: Fr. John Higgins, pastor of Holy Cross; Fr. Ambiorix Rodriguez, pastor of St. Elizabeth parish in Manhattan; Fr. Pierre Toussaint, CFR; Fr. Ignatius Schweitzer, Fr. Christian Amah, Fr. Justin Cinnante, O. Carm, and Sister Mary Grace, SV, from the Sisters of Life. There have also been a number of music groups and lay preachers from various ministries.
Sr. Mary Grace told The Good Newsroom on March 6 that she “spoke about the power of God’s Light in the darkness. As we begin Lent together, the Eucharist provides us all with an experience of God’s personal love, and its closeness during Lent. We encourage people to be open to the power of His love in Lent, to come and find in the Eucharist everything they need…The Lord reminds us of His own particular love for each one of us, which is healing and restorative.”
In a March 4 appearance on Conversation with Cardinal Dolan, SiriusXM, The Catholic Channel, Fr. Druding spoke with the Cardinal about the event, saying, “It kicked off and it was like there was a fire, the power of the Spirit, the house was packed. The power of the Holy Spirit came down. People showed up from all over, and it hasn’t stopped…We’ve had the Blessed Sacrament on the altar nonstop, reposing for Mass and then re-exposing after Mass.”
Cardinal Dolan praised the mission of the continuous gathering, telling Fr. Druding, “Way to go; way to go…This is the power of the Eucharist, to transform and lift up.” He then asked Fr. Druding to summarize the mission of the event in Spanish, which Fr. Druding gladly did for “mi gente,” (my people) in perfectly fluent Spanish. “Gloria a Dios,” (Glory to God) the priest said in conclusion.
Last week, Fr. Druding told The Good Newsroom that the Perpetual Adoration gathering was “a powerful manifestation of the Holy Spirit in our presence…There has been emotional, spiritual and physical healing.” (There have been testimonials of dire personal struggles, suicidal thoughts, and eventual conversion).
Holy Cross Church is located at 600 Soundview Ave., the Bronx.