Meet Deacon Vincent Castaldi Who Will be Ordained a Priest on May 25 by Cardinal Dolan

| 05/22/2024

By: Mary Shovlain

Deacon Vincent Castaldi, one of the seminarians Cardinal Dolan will ordain to the priesthood on May 25, sat down with us to talk about the way God has worked in his life, setting him on a journey that led him to the priesthood.

During our discussion at St. Joseph’s Seminary ahead of his ordination, he talked to us about hearing God’s call and what he is looking forward to the most in his life as a priest.

Watch our discussion in the video above and keep our new priests in your prayers.

Visit learn more about the priesthood.

He reminds us to not be inflated with pride. Everything we have is because God gave it to us. Our experience with life should be one of gratitude


The Good Newsroom

The Pope visited with some of the most vulnerable members of society, the Catholics who care for them, and with the country's bishops, priests, religious, seminarians, and catechists.


Our Sunday Visitor

In his video today, Cardinal Dolan shares the “first things” suggested by Bishop Hying of Madison, Wisconsin.


Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan