You can watch Msgr. LaMorte’s homily from this morning’s Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral here.
Today’s Gospel from Luke shows a milder version of the familiar story of Jesus’ encounter with the money-changers in the temple than we find in John.
Regardless of the version, what angered Jesus the most is that the traders took advantage of the poor people.
“Es tan maravilloso; ves sonrisas, escuchas risas” – Cardenal Dolan.
Armando Machado
| 11/22/2024
“It’s just so wonderful; you see smiles, you hear laughter," Cardinal Dolan said.
Armando Machado
| 11/22/2024
El 12 de diciembre se llevará a cabo la procesión en honor a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe desde el Santuario de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe en la calle 14 hasta la Catedral de San Patricio.