National Senior Citizens Day at ArchCare’s Mary Manning Walsh Nursing Home & Rehabilitation Center

| 08/27/2024

By: The Good Newsroom

Last week, the ArchCare’s Mary Manning Walsh Nursing Home in Manhattan’s Upper East Side celebrated National Senior Citizen’s Day with karaoke night, a chance for the residents and staff to bond over an evening of music and ice cream.

During the event residents performed a number of classic songs and expressed their overwhelming gratitude for the care they are receiving at the facility.

Honoring a cherished tradition in Jesuit education, on Thursday Cardinal Dolan celebrated the Mass of the Holy Spirit for St. Ignatius of Loyola Middle School in the Bronx to mark the beginning of the school year.


Mary Shovlain

La Misa, costumbre en Colombia, fue celebrada por un sacerdote colombiano visitante.


Armando Machado

The Mass, a custom in Colombia, was celebrated by a visiting Colombian priest.


Armando Machado