Preview of the Archdiocese of New York’s New Office Space

| 06/26/2024

By: Mary Shovlain

The Archdiocese of New York is moving its offices next year to be adjacent to St. Patrick’s Cathedral.

After years of planning, on Tuesday Cardinal Dolan and Archdiocesan officials got their first glimpse of the designs and artistic renderings of the new workspace by the architectural design firm, Gensler.

Employees of the Archdiocese will be able to come and view this presentation for themselves on Wednesday and Thursday.

While there will be practical questions about the move, there’s no question that this change will help the archdiocese better serve everyone in our large and diverse Catholic community.

See our full report on Tuesday’s preview in the video above.

"Earth's Cry, Humanity's Call: A Symposium on Integral Ecology" will take place October 10-11 in Loudonville, bringing together academics, policy experts and students.


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Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan