Respect Life Sunday: Life Chain at Presentation-Sacred Heart Church in Ulster County
| 10/3/2023
By: The Good Newsroom
On Sunday, October 1st—which was designated Respect Life Sunday by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops—approximately 200 persons participated in peaceful, prayerful Life Chains at several parishes throughout Ulster County, New York.
The Good Newsroom caught up with Father Arthur Rojas,Moderator of the Ulster Deanery Respect Life Committee and pastor at Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church at Port Ewen and Sacred Heart Church in Esopus, where two dozen parishioners stood in support of life.
See our report in the video below.
To learn more, please visit https://ulsterdeaneryrespectlife.org
Now in its 14th year, the gathering will take place March 17 at the Church of Our Saviour in New York City's Murray Hill neighborhood.
Our Sunday Visitor
| 03/08/2025
We all need the physician of our soul, Jesus Christ. During the season of Lent we are all invited to admit we are sick and begin to heal.
The Good Newsroom
| 03/08/2025
In his video today, Cardinal Dolan highlights the different religious observances taking place in our communities this year during Lent.